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The process of selling property

As soon as we receive your Assignment, we get to work. We start by collecting as much information on the property as possible and will ask you to provide us with several documents. In addition to this information, we will also refer to other sources such as the municipality or any other authorities necessary.

We hire a professional photographer for our photos, measure your property in conformity with the Measuring instructions and draw up sketches for the digital property floor plans. Meanwhile, the agent will post a real estate ad on various websites as well as include it in the property brochure.

Once we have your approval on everything, we also provide an English translation as part of the package.

The time has come: the sale is about to begin! Over the next few days, weeks or months, you will receive information on a regular basis on any planned viewings, reactions and any possibilities we can use to initiate an extra boost of the sale.

The estate agent takes on negotiations regarding price and conditions with any prospective buyer on your behalf, after consulting with you. Once the sale is a fact, a deed of sale will be drawn up. As is customary in Amsterdam, the deed will be drawn up and signed in the presence of a notary.

The contract often includes reservations for which the real estate agent will maintain any important data for you and keep you updated on the progress.

At the time of conveyance, the buyer has the right to inspect the property – at which time, the meter is read – before signing the deed of conveyance at the notary.
This is merely a brief overview of a very common sales process. Your agent has much more information for you, please refer to our 10 most frequently asked questions.

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